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Showing posts with the label CTF Recon MSSQL Nmap

Tornado Webserver Recon Basics

 Tornado Web Server Recon Basics    Tornado is a python web server framework developed by FriendFeed . It can can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling , WebSockets , and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. So this means it's an highly performant and companies like Facebook with scaling SaaS projects uses it for serving clients' needs. The labs I would be discussing in this post are provided by Attack Defense: Tornado Recon: Basics Tornado: Basic Authentication Tornado: Digest Authentication So let's begin Tornado Recon: Basics In this lab my ip is Which web server software is running on the target server? Also find out the version. Use nmap. Execute the command by replacing <IP> with the one you have been assigned with nmap -sS -sV <IP> It is serving Tornado server on port 80 and version of the server is 5.1.1 What content is returned when a query is made to the base d...

MSSQL Recon Using Nmap Scripts

 MSSQL Recon Using Nmap Scripts You can find this lab here – First of all, on what port MS-SQL is running. This can be done by simple Nmap command with -sV and --top-ports 65535 . Scanning the entire port range is useful because for security reasons infra teams change the default ports nmap -sV --top-ports 65535 Well in this case it running on default port 1433. Q1. Gather information from the MS-SQL server with NTLM. There are two modules to get information about the ms-sql server: ms-sql-info and ms-sql-ntlm-info Since the question it is explicitly asked for NTLM, the second script will be used here. Feel free to read about them: I found one juicy piece of information about the server, the version number. Once running query you can use this to search for specific exploits (if available): Let's use normal script, just being curious what information this will give: nmap -p1433 --script ms-sql-ntlm-info...