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Tornado Webserver Recon Basics

 Tornado Web Server Recon Basics    Tornado is a python web server framework developed by FriendFeed . It can can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling , WebSockets , and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. So this means it's an highly performant and companies like Facebook with scaling SaaS projects uses it for serving clients' needs. The labs I would be discussing in this post are provided by Attack Defense: Tornado Recon: Basics Tornado: Basic Authentication Tornado: Digest Authentication So let's begin Tornado Recon: Basics In this lab my ip is Which web server software is running on the target server? Also find out the version. Use nmap. Execute the command by replacing <IP> with the one you have been assigned with nmap -sS -sV <IP> It is serving Tornado server on port 80 and version of the server is 5.1.1 What content is returned when a query is made to the base dir
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Nginx Recon Basics

 Nginx Recon Basics   You can find this Lab here    Nginx is a web server like Apache, its a multipurpose opensource server mainly used for serving cached contents, load balancers or reverse proxy. Like Apache, it can also serve PHP or static contents. So, why Nginx if you have apache? Well, Nginx performs better than Apache in some scenarios and many big companies are using it to serve their clients. Here are few of them You get the idea why Nginx is so important now, so let's dive into this Let the Recon Begin In my case the ip is . You can find the ip by running `ifconfig` and the change the last part from 2 to 3 eth1 interface Not asked but, What is version of nginx version running? Using nmap tool to find the version nmap -sS -sV It is running nginx v1.15.4 What are the authentication types being used for /Admin and /Administrator folder? Using authentication recon tip from previou

Apache Server Recon Basics

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Using cURL For Recon!

   Using cURL For Recon! (client URL) is a command-line tool and library which primarily supports HTTP along with many other protocols. This makes it a good candidate for scripts as well as automation. The tool takes in at least one argument, i.e., the resource to fetch. GET Request The default HTTP requests made by cURL are GET requests. Let's try requesting the page from the GET section. cURL - GET Request cURL - GET Request $ curl <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>401 Unauthorized</title> </head><body> <h1>Unauthorized</h1> <p>This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document  requested.</p>   <hr> <address>Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80</address&g

MSSQL Recon Using Nmap Scripts

 MSSQL Recon Using Nmap Scripts You can find this lab here – First of all, on what port MS-SQL is running. This can be done by simple Nmap command with -sV and --top-ports 65535 . Scanning the entire port range is useful because for security reasons infra teams change the default ports nmap -sV --top-ports 65535 Well in this case it running on default port 1433. Q1. Gather information from the MS-SQL server with NTLM. There are two modules to get information about the ms-sql server: ms-sql-info and ms-sql-ntlm-info Since the question it is explicitly asked for NTLM, the second script will be used here. Feel free to read about them: I found one juicy piece of information about the server, the version number. Once running query you can use this to search for specific exploits (if available): Let's use normal script, just being curious what information this will give: nmap -p1433 --script ms-sql-ntlm-info